May 31, 2011

rumah idaman???

pernah x korang tengok citer when a stranger calls... adoi comey nye la plakon yg dlm filem tu ye... ok lupakan pelakon tu sbb aku pun comey jugak... sila bayangkan aku yg comey ye.. hahahaha... klau korang penah tgok cter tu msti korang tau umah tempat diorg berlakon tu kan... mandrakis residence... comey nye umah tu... penuh ngan teknologi untuk keselamatan kat umah... pastu saving plak... ble ko msuk stu blik, lampu bilik tu automatic menyala... xpayah la korg sibuk kalau terlupa ke ape ke... ok meh tgok cmne rupanya umah tu...

okey... ni umah asal yg dalam filem tu la... umah tu wooden made... plus ade cermin ckit... umah tu dkt ngan tasik

yg ni versi sim punye... cari dlm tenet xde plak tunjuk yg dlm punye design... yang cermin tgh tu mcm taman la... ade love bird dalam tu.... 

okey penat nak cter stu2... tapi bg aku umah tu comey sgt.... except the part yg die gne cermin tu la... org luar ley nmpk dlm umah.... kalau umah sdri.. yg luar tu xnk la mcm tu... especially design bumbung die... aku xbpe minat... hahahaha... cermin tu plak aku tukor jd 2 sided mirror... ley kan... aku je ley nmpk luar... org kat luar xley nmpk aku... yg paling aku minat garden in the house tu... comel... huhu design dlm die pun aku ske...

notakaki: tah pape je berangan umah sdri... janji selesa sudah la... tapi aku mmg minat unsur glass house tu... nmpk moden... hehehehe... acececece... nape la aku amik medic.. xamik designer??? adekah aku tersalah bidang??? hmmmmmmmmmmm..... :)

May 30, 2011

sejak akhir2 ni...

sejak akhir2 ni... susah sgt nk nafas... huhu... ble sakit2 mcm ni msti pk bkan2... aku mula la meng'diagnose' diri sdri dgn mcm2 kan... huhu... tapi symptom nye cuma stu je... difficulty in breathing... symptom lain sume xde.. kdg2 smpai ssh nak tdo mlm.. kne pusing kiri kanan depan blakang.. cri posisi sesuai so boley breath better... meng'examine' dri sdri xde plak jmpe pape sign.. yang aku prasan start jadi lepas aku swimming aritu... agaknye terlampau excited kot... huhu... pastu mlm tu xtdo plak... mmg ssh nk nafas start dr hr tu... sbb kan ni aku terpaksa stop sport jap... yela... wat nye aku tercungap2.. pastu pengsan tgh jalan.. jenuh plak org nk angkat aku...

sejak akhir2 ni aku slalu terfikir satu perkara ni (bukan pasal family)... ble pk2 aku rasa nyesal sgt... ape yg aku pk??? xley open kat cni... biarlah rahsia... hehehehe... yang aku tau.. aku akan cuba jd org yg lbey baik lg... aku akan pilih jalan yg terbaik supaya dapat bahagiakan semua pihak... xnak la jd jahat... nk jadi baik2 je... huhu... boley kan???

sejak akhir2 ni... aku baru nk rajin study balik... da dekat 2bulan aku rehat... nyesal la plak... tp masa yg da lepas tu mne boley undo2 kan... kan best kalau masa tu mcm kte taip dalam komputer ni... kalau salah ley undo2... pastu btolkan.. jdkan yg terbaik... ade sorang tu penah ckp ngan aku... aku pegang ckp die... ape die ckp ek??? hahaha... ssh la nk ckp kat cni... aku nak jd kedekut ckit... xmo kongsi ape yg die ckp kat aku... ley kan???

sejak akhir2 ni aku rindu zaman aku skolah dlu, zaman matric... blaja ngan kawan2.. skang pun masih blaja gak ngan kawan2... tapi xsme mcm dlu... semangat nk blaja dlu tinggi nye... mak oi!!! skarang ni semangat tu tah mane tah die pergi.... kan best kalau boley main misscall2 semangat tu... agak2 da ilang semangat je misscall semangat tu... xpun sms je "semangat... ooo... semangat... ke mari kau!!!" mgkin sejak akhir2 ni i just miss being the old me... excuse me.. aku xde la tua sgt!!!

notakaki: cukupla tu aku berleter... entri panjang2 ni orang bukan ske baca... bosan kot!!!! sejak akhir2 ni... aku rindu sesuatu... hahahahaha... cantik kan gambar2 di atas... cari kat tenet je... hahaha... tggu la aku ade dslr(tah ble tahunnye!!!) bru aku tgkap gmbar cntik2...

May 26, 2011


ape kebende tajuk aku ni kan... maksudnye... i don't know what it is... tetbe aku nk nyanyi lagu yg perol slalu nyanyi.... walaupun lagu ni lagu raya kan... layan je la boley kan??

Semua insan sedang gembira
Di hari ini sayang

Hari yang mulia
Marilah bersama berhari raya
Hilangkan duka

Lupakan saja kisah yang lalu
Gantikan cerita baru
Agar hatimu waspada selalu
Jangan kau kesalkan
Jangan engkau tangiskan

Pada mereka yang tak mengerti
Menuduh dirimu
Di jurang kesalahan saja
Ku tak sampai hati
Biarkan engkau sendiri

Tetapi diriku dan juga temanmu
Yang tahu kisah derita
Dan luka di dada, hanya kuharapkan
Kau harus bersabar
Dan bertenang selalu

lagu ni kalau da nk raya... duk plak jauh dari umah kan?? msti rse best nk nyanyi... ade feel ble nyanyi kan??

notakaki: tetbe rasa mcm sesuai plak nk nyanyi lagu ni... eh... raya taun ni ley balik kampung x ek??? huhuhu

May 25, 2011

manic weh!!!

skarang ni full of goal directed activity... hahhahahha... macam orang manic pun ade jugak... am i conscious or unconscious of what i feel?? mari meng'suppress' kan semua rasa sedey dengan banyak kan aktiviti... mari ketawa suka2... jgn fake the laugh or the smile... testing gelak... sy suka gelak... ooo... lpe... ape goal direct aktiviti tu ye??? was that circumtanstiality??

train of thought???

1. broga hill.. mari shafeeqah dan rosatikah.. bila mau mendaki??? lepas p broga hill kte p panjat gunung everest lak... 
2. shopping... wah... seronoknya shopping... siap la ko pasaraya!!! (spending spree)
3. teambuilding... yeker?? ade firecamp dan segala2 yang best... korang xley  ikut... ni aku p ngan orang2 yg special je... ade org sponsor beb... ape lg?? jgn lepaskan nikmat yang Allah bg... wah... bahagianye aku!!!
4. nak memasak byk benda... tapi kne p shopping dlu... ooh jpa cpat la ko menjelma dalam akaun aku!!!
5. nak kerja pas abis blaja... wah da pndang jauh ni... sebelum dapat kerja tetap.. aku nk lepak kat cni.. kerja je la kat pasaraya... dr aku duk umah mengembangkan lemak... sebenarnya ade sebab lain tapi xley gtau kat cni... t ade org marah... ade aku kesah ke ko nk marah2...:P
6. nak make up2.. hahaha... nk makeup kan org... sape nk muka die kne conteng ngan aku??
7. nak baca buku.... xmau balik umah... distraction!!! :P
8. nk joging tiap2 petang... ujan pun nk redah je...

notakaki: ok... cukupla untuk hari ni.. t aku gtau lg ape aku nk buat... ooo... lpe... kne save duit ckit... nk buat bayar duit pendahuluan sewa umah...

May 24, 2011

nk shopping.. :)

since da beberapa hari ni asyik post bende2 sdey... mari post psl yg pempuan ske buat... mgkin xsume la kan... tp mostly pempuan mmg ske shopping... kekdg xbeli pape pun... skdr tgok2... window shopping... bukan shopping window... jenuh plak nk ngangkut bwk balik kan... slalunye xjd pun window shopping tu... mesti 'ter'beli je kan??? hihi... skarang ni sume nak sale... xcaya tekan cni xpun tekan cni... ha.. kan best ade duit byk2... senarai brg nk beli da pnjg dr kepala smpai ke buku lali... huhu... xdulik la... nk p shopping jugak... hahahaha... ketawa puas2.... mari kita sama ketawa... hahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAhahahahhaha!!!!! ok cukup2!!!! jgn ketawa lg... kalu stress2 ape yg best nk buat??? SHOPPING!! yer... btol tu.... slain makan tanpa mengira waktu... kalau boley time tido pun nk mimpi pasal mknn kan?? mari pergi shopping dan makan....


notakaki: ni ade la stu reason lg nape sy xnk kawin... duit boley guna untuk diri sendiri... mkn tanpa perlu jaga figure sbb takut t kne tegur ngan suami... ley shopping xkira masa... mari gelak lagi sekali.... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahhahahaAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA... ha... bagus...

May 23, 2011

i'm sorry i can't be perfect...

Hey Dad look at me 
Think back and talk to me 
Did I grow up according 
To plan? 
Do you think I’m wasting 
My time doing things I 
Wanna do? 
But it hurts when you 
Disapprove all along 

And now I try hard to make it 
I just want to make you proud 
I’m never gonna be good 
Enough for you 
I can’t pretend that 
I’m alright 
And you can’t change me 

‘Cuz we lost it all 
Nothing lasts forever 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 
Now it’s just too late 
And we can’t go back 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 

I try not to think 
About the pain I feel inside 
Did you know you used to be 
My hero? 
All the days 
You spent with me 
Now seem so far away 
And it feels like you don’t 
Care anymore 

And now I try hard to make it 
I just want to make you proud 
I’m never gonna be good 
Enough for you 
I can’t stand another fight 
And nothing’ alright 

‘Cuz we lost it all 
Nothing lasts forever 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 
Now it’s just too late 
And we can’t go back 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 

Nothing’s gonna change 
The things that you said 
Nothing’s gonna make this 
Right again 
Please don’t turn your back 
I can’t believe it’s hard 
Just to talk to you 
But you don’t understand 

‘Cuz we lost it all 
Nothing lasts forever 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 
Now it’s just too late 
And we can’t go back 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 

‘Cuz we lost it all 
Nothing lasts forever 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 
Now it’s just too late 
And we can’t go back 
I’m sorry 
I can’t be Perfect 

May 19, 2011

ice skating amateur...

post kali ni malas nk tulis pnjg2... nk letak gamba je... gamba byk kabur... after edit pun not much improvement... as long as tau tu aku dah la kan.. hahahaha... sbnrnye.. plan nk kuar ngan housemate aku cikgu shafeeqah n zati iwani... tp si zati tu byk keje.. last2 plan hampir cancel.. tp si pikah tu nk kuar jugak.. so.. ktorg pun kuar... since masing2 pun xde la terer jln kl.. jln area pj je... mse study gp mlm tu sje je la ngajak kwn study gp aku.. cik ros n encik perol... mereka nk ikut... p la bersama2... the more the merrier la kan... xkan aku nk kuar ngan pkah je.. hehehe...

on the way.. tggu train...

ehem... ehem... mcm sepadan je.. biru kuasa dua.. hehe

mula2 warming up dlu... biasa kan kaki... jln tepi2 k...

ok... da pndai lepas tgn dr dinding tu... da potong org yg pki bju kaler pink... hehehe

acecece... da pndai ajar org plak... mcm la terer sgt!!

ha... kan da mcm org pro tu... siap posing2 lg... seb bek xtergolek ke blkg..

'tension nye... sakit2 kaki aku...' muka tension perol... hihi

ni la housemate aku mse matric dlu... cikgu shafeeqah... die pun da terer...
ala... xde plak gamba perol da terer... siap nk skate laju2 lg... last2... perol terer gak... lepas tgn dr pgg dinding tu... skate kat tgh2 ckit... tp perol skate comel la... hehehe... kan cikgu shafeeqah??? tq kat cik yg amik gmbar kami bertiga... cik ros... die xmau main... tkut ktenye... aip... bdak ni... jln punyela jauh nk ice skating... last2 xmau main...

notakaki: kitorg mmg xreti main... jnji smpai xterbelah idung mcm kisah si perol cter tu dah ler... hihi... tips for new learner... try je... u'll never know unless u give it a try... if u fall, bgun la blik... just like the exam... if u fail.. u just have to get up and move on... sori... terbebel banyak plak... xseperti yg dijanjikan... :)

May 16, 2011

Org tamak selalu rugi...

hohoho.. da bpe hr xupdate blog.. bkn pe... aku blik kampung... jmpe mak, ayah, along, bangah, adik n bunny2 aku yg tersayang... hahahaha... jgn jelos.. rse mcm xmo blik hukm semula je... nk cuti lg... kat umah susah nk online... masing2 sibuk nk gne tenet... umah aku pki streamyx yg berok band tu,.. 1 user at one time... klo pki wireless ye la... ley la 2,3 seratus org online... yg bagusnye streamyx berok band tu die punye modem warranty lifetime... maksudnye selama-lamanya paham! klo rosak je tepon je org tmnet tu.. t die dtg gnti modem baru... wah... sgt bahagia... tanpa perlu dikenakan ape2 caj tambahan... alamak melalut plak...

back to the main story k... aku harap ni jd pengajaran je la... niat hati bukan nk kutuk sesape.. aku ade kenal sorg pakcik ni... nk kata die kaya xdela... lbey kurg mcm family aku je... sederhana serba serbi.. die ramai adik beradik.. kebaikan die.. klo pape hal sng nk bincang ngan die ni... bak kte org senang nk bawa berunding la... dulu die penah ade kete.. pastu xnmpk da mne kete die... mse tu aku kecik(xdela kecik sgt) pastu die beli kete wira baru... bayar muka xtau la bpe... tp bulan2 sakit gak la... 5-6ratus cmtu kan.. keje biase2 je... gaji xmenentu.. ikut hasil dpt bpe.. keje dirahsiakan  paling banyak gaji boley dpt sebulan klo rajin pun dlm 2k cmtu... tolak makan, baju n lain2 xtau la bpe kan.. da bpe2 lme pas die beli wira tetbe adik die yg bru beli kete persona eksiden kecik n terus fobia bwk kete tu... so.. die pun amik peluang smbung je byr kete tu bulan2.. kete wira tu die bg sorg anak die smbung byr.. ha.. lpe... die ade lg stu kete gak... yg tu anak sorg lg bwk n byr bulan2... byk kan kete die... cekire cekire.. xlme pastu... dtg stu surat ni... ktenye die kne byr bpe puluh ribu entah... utang kat bank pasal kete die yg tersorok tu... rpenye die sorok kete tu sbb kete tu da berbulan2 xbyr.. huhuhu.. die pun takut nk simpan duit kat dlm bank.. ktenye klo bank tau xpasal2 duit dlm bank tu kne tarik sbb byr utang kete die tu.. aiseh.. skang xtau la pe cerite kat pakcik tu.. huhuhu..

bestnye klo dpt kete ni sebijik.. ade x sesape nk bagi??? hahahahaha

notakaki: kete mgkin satu keperluan... ukurla baju di badan sdri... klo xmampu untuk melangsaikan hutang.. jgnlah berhutang... stu je da cukup... jgn la tamak nk semua... last2 sdri yg susah.. kan kawan2...

p/s: aku bukan nk sibuk2 pasal pakcik tu k... mgkin org akan kata biorla kat die nk ade 10 kete skali pun... aku xheran die nk ade 100 pun.. ni cme pengajaran pd aku... so aku xbuat mcm ni..

May 11, 2011

alone vs company??

ade x kdg2 korang rse korang nk lepak sensorang??? dlm bahasa omputeh nye.. prefer to be alone... kalau korang xde... ade aku kesah!!!! hehehe... aku ade... aku ske sorg2 bile:-
1. aku bad mood atau sedih... bukan sbb aku xske org comfort aku... tp aku perlu masa untuk tenangkan fikiran.. 
2. jogging.. bukan sbb aku nk underestimate org.. tp aku ske sorg2 sbb aku slow jog je.. hahaha.. nnt org boring jog ngan aku... 
3. shopping.. klo shopping sorg2 aku xnyusahkan org... klo jln ngan org t aku jd terover teliti.. so lmbt nk buat pilihan... esp ble taste aku ngan org yg aku kuar tu lain... bg aku ok dah.. tp die kte xcntik.. pastu tgok yg lain.. amik mse yg lama la..
4. study.. yg ni xdela slalu... aku ok je stdy group.. tp aku kdg2 prefer nk stdy sendiri...

dlu aku slalu buat perangai p tgok wayang sorg2, p shopping sorg2.. lepak kat borders smpai bosan.. pastu balik.. best la jugak.. hehehe.. t ade masa aku nk buat cmtu lg...

notakaki: u have your own way to entertain yourself.. whether u are alone or u need company beside u... all u have to do is be happy.. ventilate and smile...

May 09, 2011

badan sihat otak cergas!

tajuk xsesuai ngan pic??? xdela... sesuai sgt da tu... sbnrnye aku bru blik swimming... huwaaa.... lme xswimming... sgt rindu weh!!!! aku kan tgh berusaha nk kuruskan badan ni... yela.. selepas mengepam bdn sebulan yg lalu.. mggu ni nk blik umah nk ade perubahan ckit
/- mkn nasi separuh skali sehari je
/- mkn ikan je ngan sayur
/- jogging
/- kellogs 2week challenge

sbnrnye td dok ngajar kwn aku berenang... sbnrnye aku pun xde la pndai sgt... setakat nk ske2 tu pndai le... tp kalau kne cmpak kat laut rse nye aku yg lemas dlu... heheheh

nape pic kat ats gmba cendawan??? ni la part yg paling best... lepas swimming.. pling best buat ble da smpai blik adalah makan sup cendawan... smbil tu pasang aromaterapi kat bilik... wah!!! sgt refreshing and relaxing... hilang ckit tension2 kat kepala ni kan... ade ke org mkn cendawan kaler ijau.... ok.. jgn jd so called lurus bendul... gamba tu contoh je... klo letak gamba sup cendawan xcantik... hahahaha.. nape aku pilih cendawan ni.. sbb die comel... klo letak yg kuncup nnt org pk bukan2... well.. u know what i mean kan... klo xknow lg better... (mengarut sudah!!)  

notakaki: well sy xamik jus mate ok... membazir nye beli jus mate... mahal tahap ape je... tp rsenye susah nk apply.. xcye korg boley search kat tenet tu diet die mcm mne... for me... xdela safe sgt diet mcm tu... hehe.. xtau la for others.. just my point of view k.. no offense..

May 08, 2011


hari ni aku p jog... yes... berjaya jugak p... smbil2 jog tu aku jmpe byk psgn yg bwk baby msing2.. comel2.. tgok muka pasangan2 tu happy2 je.. yela... senang nk kata diorg bahagia la kan ngan pasangan and anugerah Allah yg paling bermakna, anak.. tetbe je aku rase sedey sgt... aku rse aku mcm xberpeluang je nk dpt semua tu... semalam msg ngan sorg bestfren aku ni... aku kte kat die aku xmo kawen.. die kte klo aku xkawen die xmo kawan ngan aku sbb die xley nk buli anak aku... aku xnk kawen.. tp aku nk anak... klo aku nk amik anak angkat boley x?? aku tgok kat wad paeds mcm sng je org nk amik ank angkat.. tp kwn aku tu kate anak angkat mne sme ngan anak sdri... grrr... aku pening sudah...

Hush little baby, pure and small
He created you, He created us all
Hush little baby, don't you fear
We're never alone when Allah's so near
Hush little baby, breathing so calm
He'll protect us all and keep us from harm
Hush little baby, still and serene
You are a Muslim, Islam's your الدين

notakaki: the best moment is when when u look and smile at the baby she will smile back at you.. huhu.. it feels like heaven...

mother's day...

yeke bulan mei ni mother's day??? hmm... mak... syg mak... hr2 pun kak lang syg mak.. hr2 pun hr ibu.. ade kwn2 yg smpai balik kampung, beli kek smbut hr ibu.. hrp org yg buat mcm tu bukan syg mak stu hari je.. syg ibu tu selama-lamanya... tetbe teringat satu lirik lagu ni... penyanyinye Yusuf Islam... ha... msti korg da tau kan...
lbey kurang cmni la lagu nye... meh nyanyi sme2... (~ v ~")

Who should I give my love to?
My respect and my honor to
Who should I pay good mind to?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hold you
And clean you and clothes you
Who used to feed you?
And always be with you
When you were sick
Stay up all night
Holding you tight
That's right no other
..My mother..

Who should I take good care of?
Giving all my love
Who should I think the most of?
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hear you
Before you could talk
Who used to hold you?
Before you could walk
And when you fell who picked you up
Clean your cut
No one but your mother
My mother

Who should I stay right close to?
Listen most to
Never say no to
After Allah
And Rasulullah

Comes your mother
Who next? Your mother
Who next? Your mother
And then your father

Cause who used to hug you
And buy you new clothes
Comb your hair
And blow your nose
And when you cry
Who wiped your tears?
Knows your fears
Who really cares?
My mother

Say Alhamdulillah
Thank you Allah
Thank you Allah
For my mother.

notakaki: rasa sayu plak dgr bdak2 ni nyanyi... huhu T.T... thank you Allah for my mother =)

May 07, 2011

a walk to remember...

just finish watching the movie.. i don't have to give the synopsis here right.. or else, i will ruin the excitement of those who did not yet saw the movie.. for some people the story line might be a bit boring.. but it was a great movie that could capture anyone's heart for those who really listen and watch... actually i've watched this movie several times.. but only now i realize there are beautiful words in the movie...
just like this one:-
".. our love is like a wind, i can not see it, but i can feel it"

footnote: love is design for person who believe in it.. do you believe in love???

May 05, 2011

lady driver??

alkisah.. hr ni bwk keta... nk blik xlepas parking weh... lalalalala... apela... tu la... da lme xbwk kete... pdn muka... terkial2 parking td... adoila side parking... nme je da dpt lesen permanent... tp fail lg... huhu... malu plak rse... hahahaha... rse nk surok je muka dlm tanah.. hehehe... mcm cik OSTRICH!!!!!

notakaki: nasib baik ade cik blog... da ilang rse segan... hahahahahaha

May 04, 2011


OH TIDAK!!!! setahun lbey aku berusaha turunkan berat badan.. aritu stress.. aku mkn xhingat dunia.... smpai along aku pun terdiam xterkata... blik cni.. ujan je plak... tiap ptg msti nk ujan... asal petang je ujan.. asal ujan je petang... nk jog pg pun sme... tiap pg pun nk ujan... tgh hr je xujan... adeh la... sgt la xmembantu... ble da ujan sejuk2.. perut pun asyik mengaum je... huhuhu... mkn punye mkn n sgt la sedentary... pdn la muka naik nk dkt 4kg weh!!!! dulu xpndg da kfc, mcd dll... skrg bende tu je yg aku telan... adoi... xbagus ni... kne bertekad blik... by the end of 5month nk turun 8kg... ley ke??? hahaha... xpe.. aim high... hr ni berjaya gak p joging... 30minutes... hopefully ley teruskan untuk esok... klo esok pun ok... kne tmbh ckit... huhu.. mkn pun da kne jge... kne betol2 tekad ni!!!

notakaki: tula.. lain kali nk mkn tu ingt2 ckit... jgn asyik nk telan je... huhuhu T.T

C . I . N . T . A

for most people, they will easily find the definition of love... but for some of us we find it difficult.. not just difficult to define it but to find, to feel, to speak about it, to tell someone about it, to really know the existence of love... love?? is it just emotion? why bother saying those word when we don't ever feel it??? just stop being mean to yourself and to the people around you... stop giving hope for those who really want to find love... if love is just a rhythm that you always sing to every person you've met, you just have to stop singing... people will misunderstand a lot from the word  love.. speaking of love.. i don't even know whether i am able to love or be love by someone else after this.. maybe the word love has become a catastrophic event in my life.. i blame myself for being mean to my own body.. i was the one who's responsible for everything that has happen to me.. the only think that i can do right know is to forget everything.. never do it again.. just pray a lot so things will get better, so the love was really true..

The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hath made for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs, whereby He multiplieth you. Naught is as His likeness; and He is the Hearer, the Seer. ––42: Ash–Shura: 11
footnote: yesterday he talks about the future which does not include me at all.. i was badly hurt.. but i keep on smiling even though my eyes start to sore and the tears just won't stop from falling. 

May 02, 2011


sekarang ni sana sini org kawin... yela... da mmg peak umur berumahtangga pun... hm... da lme da aku pk bnde ni... lme la sgt kan??? mcm la umur da 30 lbey... aku mcm xnk kawin je... boley x??? ble ckp ngan mak psl bende ni mst mak marah... sume org xfhm ape yg aku rse... n aku pun xreti nk cter kat cni... huhu... aku berserah je sume kat Allah... Dia yang Maha Mengetahui... anak mcm mne?? aku ske bdak2.. nk ade anak sdri... kalau xkawin mcm mne nk dpt anak??? hmm... tp ble cbe pk positif.. kalau xkawin.. xpyh nk pk tanggungjawab, kalau da kje gaji sdri pegang, cuma nk bg mak ayah je... ley simpan bwk mak ayah buat haji atau umrah kan?? byk bende nk pk klo nk kawin ni... contohnye.. boley ke org tu thn ngan perangai aku? boley ke die terima aku.. segala kekurangan aku.. sampai ble die boley suka kat aku?? awal2 kawin je ke?? ble da tua nnt die suka aku lg x?? ke die bukak cwgn lain???  ble nk kawin ni da kne ade komitmen... da dpt pndg jauh ke depan... kalau x... jdla mcm kes cerai berai... klo xpun.. hari2 gaduh... bende kecik pun kdg2 ley jd isu nk gaduh... yela... kalau hati tu da marah n xsuka kan... asyik nk ngamuk xtentu pasal je... yg jd mgsa, anak2 la... tgok mak ayah gaduh hari2 sgt la xbest..

notakaki: kawin tu best sgt ke?? grrr... sgt penat kalau pk psl kawin... MAK... KAK LANG XNK KAWIN!!!