March 23, 2011
dah FINISH ke???
huhuhu... apela masalah aku ni yer???? aku pun xtau la... i don't know what's wrong with me... Ya Allah... Sesungguhnya.. aku bersyukur sbb da abis exam... before exam... xley tdo.. kepala sakit.. jantung rse nk pecah sbb byk nak bce.. study... kne wat tu.. kne wat ni... huhuhu... tp da pas abis exam ni.. still xley tdo gak... pun skit kepala gak... mgkin rse xbuat yg terbaik kot mse exam tu... huhu.. sbb tu jd mcm ni... so ade rse guilt plus takut!! ley ke x lulus ni??? huhuhu
so... aku decide nk blik kg... malam ni jugak... nk release tension jap.. jmpe family n main2 ngan bunny...
Ya Allah, Ya Khabir (Maha Mengetahui), Ya Mujib (Maha Memakbulkan)... Ya Samad (tempat bergantung)... hanya padaMu aku memohon pertolongan... tolonglah aku... permudahkanlah urusanku..
bg korang2 yg belom exam.. walau kat mne pun korang... aku doakan korang berjaya... doakan lah untuk aku skali ye...
mood: tension xley tdo... huhu....
March 20, 2011
jOm geLAk keTaWa jAp!!
korek2 email2 lame jumpa la byk email yg kelakar... so.. aku kongsi ngan korang la... selamat ketawa...
"Seorang lelaki islam ponteng sembahyang Jumaat. Sebaliknya dia masuk hutan untuk memburu ayam hutan. Sedang dia terhendap2 di dalam semak, tiba2 dia berlanggar dengan seekor HARIMAU yang sedang lena tidur.
Dia begitu terkejut sehingga senapangnya tercampak lalu tergelungsur kedalam jurang. Dia pula tergolek ke arah lain, jatuh ke atas batu dan...
KRAKKKK! Kedua2 kakinya patah.
HARIMAU tadi terus menghambatnya, sedangkan dia dah tak boleh bergerak lagi.
"Ya Allah," doa lelaki tersebut, "Ampunilah dosaku kerana ponteng sembahyang jumaat pada hari Jumaat yang mulia ini...
Ampunilah aku ya Allah... makbulkan hajat ku ini... jadikanlah HARIMAU yang memburuku HARIMAU yang beriman... tolong la ya Allah! Aminnn.."
Tiba2 guruh berdentum! HARIMAU tadi tiba2 terhenti betul2 di hadapan lelaki tadi.
Tiba-tiba... .
Sambil menadah kedua2 kaki depannya ke langit .. HARIMAU tersebut pun berdoa, "Allahumma barik lana, fima razaktana, wa qina azzabbannar. Amin
Seorang pemandu yang mempunyai boss orang putih dari Amerika sedang memandu sambil bersembang dengan bossnya :
Easy, easy come to my house.. If you come.. I cut my **** for you
( Senang-senang datanglah ke rumah saya, kalau awak datang saya
sembeleh ayam jantan utk awak)
Tiba-tiba kereta dihadapannya berhenti mengejut menyebabkan dia menyodok kereta tersebut. Pemandu tersebut pun meminta maaf dari boss nya....
Pemandu: Sorry Sir, I brake brake, do not eat. After I check the wheel no flower again.
(Maaf Tuan, saya brek-brek, tak makan, selepas saya cek tayar tak ada bunganya lagi)
Orang putih tu pun mahu keluar dan ikut sama marahkan pemandu kereta didepan. Tapi pemandu tersebut menghalangnya. ..
Pemandu tuu terus cakap:
Pemandu: Don't enter mix, Sir! The bring that car if not wrong I, is the childern fruit from manager moneys, he is stupid don't play! Let he taste.
(Jangan masuk campur, Tuan! Yang bawa kereta itu kalo tak salah saya,anak buah dari pengurus kewangan, dia memang bodoh bukan main... Biar dia rasa)
Besoknya si pemandu tak masuk kerja. Lusa bila dia masuk kerja, si boss orang putihnya bertanya:
Boss : Why didn't you come to work yesterday?
Pemandu : I am sorry boss, my body is not delicious, my body taste like enter the wind.
(maaf boss, badan saya tak sedap, badan saya rasanya macam masuk angin)
Caller :Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan (anyone)?
Operator :Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller :No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator :You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller :I'm SamWan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.
Operator :I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller :Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator :Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller :You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator :I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!
Operator :Yes, you can speak to me.
Caller :No, I want to speak to Annie Wan (anyone)!
Operator :You are talking to someone! Who is this?
Caller :I'm SamWan (Someone). And I need to talk to Annie Wan (anyone)! It's urgent.
Operator :I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what's this urgent matter about?
Caller :Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan (anyone) that our brother Noel Wan (no one)has involved in an accident. Noel Wan (no one)got injured and now Noel Wan (no one) is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan (everyone) is on his way to the hospital.
Operator :Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this!
Caller :You are so rude! Who are you?
Operator :I'm Saw Lee (Sorry).
Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!!!
pesanan penaja: dalam idup.. ble stress, sdey ade mslh... jgn lari.. face it!! smiles.. be professional.. but when u cry, it does not mean u're weak... u are super fine to cry... (ade kaitan ke ngan post ni??? lyn je la) hehe
March 17, 2011
da bpe2 hr ni start exam.. skang ni relax ckit sbb paper a, b c... so, ade la mse aku nk usha2 blog ni lme ckit.. klo x, jengah2 camtu je... ckp psl exam ni... ramai la xpuas hati soklan susah, soklan pelik2 yg kuar... yg mengomel tu termasuklah aku... hehehehehe..
mlm first before exam tu pas isyak je aku da masuk tdo.... konon da abis study la... padahal beribu riban page lg xbce... tp stay calm... alih2 aku mimpi pelik2..
lebey kurang camni la mimpinye....
jd kul 4 aku da bgun... wahahahaha... mse tu la cbuk menyelak riban2 page yg aku xusha lg.. adoi.. palpitation toksah nk ckp la mse tu... rse mcm nk meletup jantung aku... sampai terbawak2 time exam... mujurla xde thought block mse jwb first day tu... second day exam aku xbpe best... aku mmg totally hentam stu soklan ni.. mmg sure2 ilang 10 markah out of 100... huhuhu.. tp nk buat cmne... redha je lah.... tepon umah.. mak aku bg nasihat... kuat blik semangat aku ni... so stdy la untuk hr ketiga(smlm la tu).... smlm aku mcm hepi ckit... nk kte ok sgt tu xla.. tp better la ckit kot... ape yg aku ley wat conclusion aku mmg xley amik internal medicine... hahahhaha.. xmau xmau xmau... bg kat org lain la spe nk amik internal med ke, paeds ke.. doc pun stu bg la ktorg cmne nk tulis a,b,c ke....
kan senang ckit idup kami ni.... ni ade ke patut tnye psl shoulder, interpret hysteroscopy, CT scan.. slalu suh interpret Xray je... huhu.... untuk exam ni xley ke kuar kan soklan yg sng2 ckit... da la xde hint or clue sgt pun exam ni... kne bce buku tu dr muka depan tu smpai belakang... klo kat kulit die ade tulisan or gmba pun kne bce!!
da jd rutin plak mggu exam tdo kul 10 lbey bgun kul 4... eleh.. buku kat dlm gambar tu ckit sgt.... xsetanding ngan buku n nota yg ktorg kne bce tau!!! hahha.. poyo jap...
korang stdy la tau.. spe yg da nk exam tu... jgn nnt korg jwb paper korang cmni plak:-
tgok gmba ni aku gelak gle2... tmbh2 lg yg kungfu gland tu... aku hrp n doa sgt2 aku lulus exam ni... xmau xmau xmau kne exam ni lg next 6 month... hrp jd doc ngan semua kwn2 batch aku... xnk ade sorg pun yg kne repeat...
oooohhhhoooooooiiiii.... mggu dpn clinical... xnk dpt hr isnin or selasa or khamis or jumaat... nk ari rabu boley??? ley ke nk mintak??? hehehehehe... harap dpt kes yg aku familiar sampai prof pun kalah ngan aku.... hahaha... over the weekend... stdy ye jgn xstdy... tp klo nk p release tension jap pe slhnye....
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selingan jap... hehehe.. bg org2 yg stress exam n stress stdy tuk exam.. |
March 12, 2011
hOw tO lose weight!!!!
i've lost 11kg for this past 1 year... believe me.. it was not easy... now.. i just maintain my current weight... actually i still have the thought to lower it down some more... this is what i done
1. eat whatever u want but make sure your expenses for foods is no more than RM5/day... hehehe... believe me.. if you eat more than this you are definitely has taken more intake than your calorie consumption... this is only available for those who eat outside... (like me..>.<) u get to lose weight and u can save your money too right!!!
2. go joging and do more cardio exercise like swimming... for those who had no money to have personal trainer and go to the gym... this won't cause u any money.. i just went for slow jog but i go with long distance and long duration... sometimes i spent more than an hour to jog in the evening and spent another 2 hour for swimming in the night... CRAZY right??? nope... if you are determine to do it... u definitely CAN do it...
ok... let's look at me in back then... how do i look like during that time... note the date of the pic taken below the pic
ok.. what's the other tips..
3. choose your food... during that time i rarely took chicken and red meat... i prefer to eat fish... yes.. it's true that chicken is a white meat so.. it contains less fat that the red meat... but fish contains lower than that.. but it still follow rule no 1...
4. take half from your usual diet... and make it lesser when you're already comfortable with it... but make sure u eat... u still need energy for your daily activity... do check your calorie consumption per day.. but believe me.. it's so difficult to follow... so.. i do it my way... hehehe
this is really crazy... i end up with eat whole meal once/day... and it's only cost me RM2.50-RM4.00 per day..
5. do REWARD yourself!!!!! but NEVER reward yourself with food OKAY!!!! go shopping... buy out sexy outfit... only now u can wear them right... (p/s but sexy is still for indoors ok!!!! never go outside 'half naked'.. well u do know what i meant right!!) buy new cute casual outfit... from XL to M size.. or maybe to S size... or just reward yourself with something that make u happy..
ok guys... good luck... let take a look at me now... just scroll2... =)
just believe in yourself... u can do it!!!!!
u also can take a lot of pic just like me... and u'll be satisfied to look the pic all over again!!!! i want to lose some more... how about we do it together!!!